Applied Test Systems is the leader in reliable, long lasting, precise direct load and lever arm test systems. When combined with our wide range of accessory equipment, such as our displacement transducers, these machines are capable of performing many types and variations of creep and stress rupture testing.
- Ranges available: +/- 0.100 in and +/- 0.200 in. **
- Linearity: +/- 0.020 percent
- AC Operation
- Signal Conditioners available. Signal conditioner also available for WINCCS II Systems
**Consult ATS for other ranges available.
LVC Linear Variable Displacement Transducer
- Provides high accuracy, stability and resolution
- Dual Range: 0.1 in. and 0.5 in.**
- Linearity: 0.02% of full scale
- Signal Conditioners available that provide 0 to 10 VDC output
**Consult ATS for other ranges available. |
Digital Displacement Transducer Package
- Highly accurate and stable
- measurement range: 12mm (0.472 in.)**
- Accuracy +/- 1.0 micro meter or +/- 0.2 micro meter
- Includes signal conditioner board for use with WINCCS systems